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A Symbol Of Resistance And Hope

Palestine: A Flag of Identity and Solidarity

A Symbol of Resistance and Hope

The flag of Palestine, with its striking tricolors of black, white, and green, is a powerful symbol of Palestinian identity and solidarity. It has flown proudly at protests, rallies, and international gatherings, representing the aspirations of a people yearning for self-determination and dignity.

A Historical Journey

The flag was first adopted in 1917 at the Arab Congress held in Cairo. Its design reflects the pan-Arab colors: black for the Abbasid Caliphate, white for the Umayyad Caliphate, and green for the Fatimid Caliphate. The red triangle on the left side symbolizes the blood of Palestinian martyrs who have sacrificed their lives for their homeland.

Over the decades, the flag has become an enduring symbol of Palestinian resilience and aspirations. It has been hoisted at the United Nations and other international institutions, and it continues to inspire hope and determination among Palestinians around the world.
