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Chrystia Freeland Cuts Disney Plus Subscription Amidst Cost of Living Crisis

Deputy Prime Minister Admits Her Own Privilege

Calls on Canadians to Cut Back on Non-Essential Spending

In an interview with Global News, Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland acknowledged the difficulties faced by Canadian families amidst the rising cost of living. She revealed that she had canceled her Disney Plus subscription in an effort to save money.

Freeland's move comes after social media criticism over her family's recent Disney World vacation. In response, she stated, "I recognize that I'm in a privileged position, and I want to encourage all Canadians to make whatever cuts they can right now."

Freeland's announcement was met with mixed reactions. Some praised her for being honest about the challenges facing families, while others criticized her for not taking more concrete actions to address the issue.

Data from a media monitoring official shows that over 13,000 mentions of Freeland and Disney Plus occurred over two days. The coverage was predominantly negative, with many expressing frustration over the Minister of Finance's suggestion to cut non-essential spending while implementing policies that many believe contribute to inflation.
